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Sandhill weathervane.


The purpose of this document is to be an expression of the shared values, purposes, and guiding principles of the Millrace Cohousing Association. It is a living document to guide discussions and decisions that is expected to change and be amended as our
community evolves.


We envision an intergenerational, diverse Association of 14 households committed to supporting each other and to being responsible for our residential environment. We seek to be renewed as a cooperative neighborhood through celebration and interaction, while at the same time we respect and give space to the life and individuality that members have beyond Cohousing. We strive to relate beyond our physical space and Association and to integrate and interact comfortably and responsibly with the surrounding neighborhoods, city and region.

Guiding Principles

Process - The Association involves the active participation of all member households, whose Members take part in the governance of Millrace Cohousing to ensure the community reflects the values of the residents.


Design - We live in a collection of homes that are privately owned, yet surround commonly owned space and a Common House. We seek to have stylistically diverse and aesthetically uplifting structures and spaces that invite conversation with those who pass through.


Accessibility - We seek to create homes and spaces that are accessible to people of varying abilities.


Ecology - We strive to have ecologically sustaining and energy efficient homes that through construction and use will have minimal environmental impact and make use of resources and energy wisely.


Common Facilities - We believe the common land, facilities, and Common House are to be accessed, used, enjoyed and maintained by all without infringing on the rights of Members.


Diversity - We encourage diversity. We seek to include individuals of different ages, abilities, cultures, and viewpoints. We welcome others who share our vision of enjoying deeper relationships, acknowledging our interdependence and creating a place for mutual support. 


Decision Making - We cooperate in the governance of the neighborhood. We agree to utilize consensus decision making or affirmation in our decisions. We acknowledge use of voting in the case of deadlock. Meetings are facilitated to ensure maximum effectiveness and responsiveness to Members.


Structure and Management - We structure Millrace Cohousing Inc. as a not-for-profit corporation in the state of Indiana. All Members are responsible for upholding the requirements of the By-laws and the Community Policies. The Association selects and has officers to conduct its business, but policies are set by the Association as a whole.


Getting Things Done - We agree to active participation and volunteering by all Members. We have dynamic group process, delegate responsibility reasonable, monitor accountability, and empower Members to do good work by combining reasonable oversight with minimal interference.


Approved February 1, 2016

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